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NegociosProyecto de Estudiantes

Nanostores: Evolving to a better business in Lima, Peru

> Ingeniería Empresarial

  • Asesor: Mario Gustavo Chong Chong
  • Integrantes: Ismael Angel Choquehuanca Huallpa, Lucas Espejo Alzamora, Mariana Danitza Moyano Mendoza, Felipe Vilches Izquierdo
  • Curso: Introducción a la Ingeniería
  • Ciclo: 2019-2

In Peru, the traditional channel is the predominant one with a 70% market share compared to the modern channel that only has a 30%; however, the latter sector has been growing in recent years. Thus, the present work aims to generate value proposals that take into account the internal and external threats that the nanostores face in order to face them in a better way and achieve a solid position against other sales channels. Our data derives from methods such as the demand panel and interviews with shopkeepers, as well as surveys made on buying habits and preferences. It was concluded that the service provided by the nanostores must be based on its main advantage:direct and close treatment with the client. However, the main recommendations are associated with the modernization not only of the accepted means of payment, but also of the appearance both outside and inside the store, cleaning of the premises and layout of the products.
